
I don't know but one thing I do know is Duck tape can fix anything.

1:55 PM

I can still hear his voice. "Aw, hell Faye I don't know."  I heard this phrase so much growing up I would dare say he is the one who coined the phrase.  If there is one thing I learned from my GRAND dad is that sometimes, most times he just didn't know.  While he self admittedly NOT know the answer or why something just was, he did know how to fix almost anything with duck tape. 

The fact that he didn’t have all the answers is actually quite comforting to me.  Even in his doubt he was steady, strong, confident, firm, quiet, and I would say patient.  Seriously, for a man who had gone through as much loss, suffered as much pain as he, I never heard him yell at us kiddos. Nor did he ever once give up hope.  AND. Believe. ME. We needed yelling at from time to time. AND. Believe. ME.  We faced some hopeless situations as a family.

He was a good Father.  He taught me reliability.  He showed me endurance.  Displayed patience while quietly lying on the couch awaiting our arrival as teens, no matter the time of night he’d be there.  He tinkered.  He walked.  He saved.  He was always on time never late.  He was faithful to his wife.  He loved deep.  He protected us.  He was quiet.  Gentle in embrace and clever in thought, he was as GRAND as they come.

Maybe you don't have a strong example of an earthly father.  I get that my biological father is in prison and has been since I was three, but my real Dad my GRAND dad who raised my brother and I when he had already raised three of his own showed me the heart of my heavenly father. 

There will be countless times in life where we just hang our heads and say, "Awe, hell Faye, I don't know."  I am coming into a place in my life where I am ok with not knowing.  I, like my GRAND dad, am confident, steadfast, firm and at peace with not always knowing.  There is a certain release of chains, pressure, and stress when we come into a place of trust. There is a peace that comes when we surrender to the war of having to know, having to figure things out, and simply trust. 

         Trust in the LORD with all your heart

   And do not lean on your own understanding. 

    In all your ways acknowledge Him,

     And He will make your paths straight. 

Do not be wise in your own eyes;

 Fear the LORD and turn away from evil.

 It will be healing to your body

  And refreshment to your bones. 

(Proverbs 3:5-8)

My GRAND dad was resolute and never wavered.  Somehow he just knew.  He knew things had a way of working themselves out, and life doesn't need our help as much as we think.  Life has worked its' way out alright, right into the hearts of those who believe. 

"Jesus answered, "I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me."(John 14:6)

My dad knew things would work out because he knew the one who worked things out.     

 "And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose." 
(Romans 8:28)

My prayer for you today is that you will see our Abba, is a good, good, father and he is perfect in all of His ways.  And you in your mess, you are His good, and perfect gift sent from heaven to live here on earth.  To shine His light and reveal His glory.

Even in the not knowing we can know.  We can know the ONE who knows all things, the ONE who is never moved, the ONE who holds all things in the palm of His hands.  IT is the knowing of HIM that gives us the ability to live at peace and be ok with not knowing.  

While there are many things in life I do not have answers to and want to hang my head and say, "Awe hell, I don't know."  There is one thing I do know and it is that when I trust Him I know I am not alone, I am never mislead, the way has been paved, and the price has been paid, and I have nothing to fear even the unknown.  

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  1. What a beautiful tribute and such a gift to have had such a loving Dad to show you how your Heavenly Father loves!

    1. Thank you, yes Karrilee he was truly an amazing man, and a great example. I am just now seeing the parallels in my life, I didn't know that was what he was doing until now that I am grown and have my own children.

  2. We don't like the not knowing, do we? Sometimes I pray for God to show me everything before I step out - but then it wouldn't be faith, and we would pat ourselves on the back at how awesome our life-planning skills were! Glad to know that it's ok NOT to know everything!

  3. Such a beautiful tribute to your grand dad and such a great reminder of how much our heavenly father loves us.

  4. How very fortunate and blessed you are too have such a Grand Dad.


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