
Tomorrow - Five Minute Friday

6:58 PM

How did a day that started out so good end so badly.  Our days are never perfect.  In all actuality they are far from perfect.  We have ups and downs but for the most part, I am blessed with good days. Some of the best days of my life are taking place as I write this post. 

However, I am in need a of a grand redo of bedtime.  I wish I could go back and erase the moments that just transpired.  I can't. I can't turn back time, oh how I wish I could. What can I do? 

I can bow my head, repent, step into grace, learn from my mistake, and lay my hand in his allowing his embrace to overtake this shame. 

As I eagerly await a redo for tomorrow's bedtime I will rest in knowing my sins have been forgiven, forgotten, and new mercies are waiting for me tomorrow. 

Tomorrow, tomorrow, I love you tomorrow, your only a day away.  I know The Son will come out tomorrow and meet me where I am and take me to where he is. 

What about you, are you ever in need of a tomorrow full of mercy? A grand redo.  Won't you take a moment and ask him to grace you today, tonight with his unfathomable love and tender mercies?Why wait for tomorrow? He is here NOW.  

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  1. Marie,
    Thank you. I was in desperate need to hear these words tonight as I get ready to end the day. I hate it when the nights explode in meltdowns, breaks my heart for him, me, and my husband. So thankful there is an abundance of grace.

  2. Beautiful post! I love how you used "the SON will come out tomorrow"!! Thanks for sharing your FMF on TOMORROW!!

  3. Oh so many of these "do over" moments in my yesterday's!!! This was a perfect post for this word. Just perfect. #FMF

    1. Susan, thank you sweet friend oh how I desperately needed a do over that night. I am so thankful that He allows us to come immediately into His presence and doesn't punish us and make us wait!

  4. Oh dear Laura, I've had so many moments I wish I could re-do. (Temper tantrums are a real thing, I've discovered.) Thank God for grace! He takes our weaknesses, when we lay them at His feet, and shows His strength through us. Praying for you and me both!

    1. Asheritah yes they are something fierce. Hearts race, blood pressures rise, and it is not pretty on any parties involved. So thankful for His grace and strength! Thank you for coming over and sharing five minutes with me! :)

  5. Love how you used Son rather than sun. My best friend got lost on a sunflower field when she was little. When the national Guard found her she said Jesus and the puppies woke me up. Her license plate says Sonflwr for "son follower"

    1. Tara, what an amazing story! I love that Sonflwr. Overtime I see a sunflower that is what I will think of now! Thanks for sharing and stopping by!

  6. Oh yes - I am oh so thankful for the grace that He freely pours out when we all need a Do Over! Amen!

    1. FREELY! Yes, thank you Jesus it is free. I am forever grateful for a love like HIS!

  7. Oh my yes! I need re-dos so often God must be shaking His head at me thinking really, again??? One of my favorite verses is from Lamentations that shares His mercies are new every morning. Have a blessed weekend.

    1. Mary! His mercies are so rich and new. I love that verse as well!

  8. I lay my head down every night thankful that tomorrow will rise with new mercies. The redo I so need. Over and over again. Beautiful post.

    1. Colleen I know exactly what you mean. Every morning I rise is a promise fulfilled! What a thought, everyday He fulfills at least one promise and that is His mercies are new. So I will cling to that promise while I wait for others to come to pass!


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A Journey of a Wandering Heart

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Five Minute Fridays