
Zoo Farm Day

6:06 PM

Today I found out a few things about this not so always lovely self.  I heart traditions! My heart was broken; shattered into tiny little pieces when I found out Wednesday night the ONLY pumpkin patch in town was now closed to the public! WHAT!? How could this be?  We planned this weekend for an entire month. The first weekend in November!  How were we to late?  We took our oldest last year.  We were taking our youngest this year for his very FIRST, pumpkin patch, hayride, and complete farm day experience.  The two of them together! Nope the farm is now closed to the public and only open for private parties until they re-open for Christmas events.  I was so sure they ran the pumpkin patch through the entire month of November.  BOY was I wrong.

Knowing my oldest would be just as heart broken he said, “It’s ok mom, we can go to the Zoo Farm and see all the zoo animals.”   So on to plan B.  Our Zoo in Memphis is amazing.  We love the Zoo.  An entire section of the zoo is like walking into a real farm.  With a train ride and everything this would not be the same but would suffice.  We can still take the boys pictures, ride the train, and create a NEW family fall tradition. 

His little big voice full of excitement burst into my room this morning, “MOM wake up, we’re going to the zoo today!”  Up, Up, and away.  Starting a little slower than usual from a late night Hallmark Christmas movie and a three thirty nursing session this morning I arose.  “Where is it?, “What?, replied my husband.  “J’s fall pumpkin onesie he wore on his first pumpkin patch extravaganza?”  I tore the house apart looking for my oldest son’s pumpkin patch outfit for our youngest to wear today.  Remember I heart traditions and I was franticly trying to salvage some piece of family tradition today. NOPE.  I couldn’t find the out fit.  Looked through five boxes of clothes and nowhere to be found. 

Now running late, with tears in my eyes I get myself dressed, trying to hold myself together and enjoy our family day with the boys.  I changed my own outfit at least three times.  Out the door we go, after waiting fifteen minutes in the drive thru line at McDonald’s for a breakfast burrito for J THEY ARE SOLD OUT! Are you kidding me, never mind that is all he will eat there.  So we leave and go to my FAVE Chick-fil-a.  Now we are ready nothing else can possibly go wrong. 

TRAIN RIDE, fall family day at the Zoo Farm here we come! NOPE.  The sign reads as walking up…. “Tram Rides, Train Rides, and Carousel CLOSED for the season.”  WHAT?  Is it January people!! How, Why is everything fall related closed in the middle of FALL!

We continue on and have a wonderful time.  I learned some things today, I heart traditions, but traditions are not what make us.  Our days together as a family, together with HIM this is what makes us!  I cannot always REMAKE memories.  I am not the mom who has her boys matching to a “T”.  My hair wasn’t fixed curled and ready for family pictures.  I ransacked my house striving to re-make a memory from the past.  I wear sparkly pearl earrings with flannel because I like the way they do not go together.  (Look for a post on “Pearl’s and Flannel” in the coming week!) I’m not at all well put together.  I am not even sure I put deodorant on today in the frenzy of it all.  Good thing, it was only 54 degrees.

The Lord taught me, I can wish for the days of old, the past or STAND in the present, day of GLORY.  I can STRIVE to re-make memories, re-create events of the past or when my plans fall through FALL into the PLANS He laid out for us from the beginning of time.  While no we were not at the pumpkin patch, His Glory was ALL around.  His presence is all that MATTERS.  He is with us.  We laughed as a family, explored all the creation around us, and made new family memories. 

I want to teach, lead my sons in the way of the Spirit in all we do.  The only way to this effectively is to lead in the present, not the shadows of the past.  Yesterday is gone and today is all we have.  Let us live by the Spirit, keep in step with the Spirit.  Give thanks for today. 

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  1. What a great way to make the best your situation. It looks like you made the best of it.

    1. We did! We ended up having a load of fun! :)

  2. Argh! Those days that just seem to go wrong at every turn (for me, it was taking students on a can drive in a town 30 miles from our school and discovering that the park bathrooms were closed for the winter). But God blesses despite our angst if we can only open our eyes wide enough to see it the lesson he really wanted us to learn!

    1. Oh that stinks, I understand your frustration! Yes even in the angst, He is good. Giving thanks for you today, thank you for stopping by and reading. :)

  3. Great pictures and great post... Yes, His presence is all that matters. How quickly as Moms we can get caught up in the "should haves". I often set unrealistic expectations for family trips, family days, etc... and end up being disappointed. Thanks for the reminder to live in the moment... every moment!

    1. Thanks, I had a lot more pictures I wanted to include. I am VERY GUILTY of setting unrealistic expectations. The Lord is so faithful to show me and examine me, forgive and teach me about the lasting things that really matter in life.


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