
Fragile Handle with Care: Part 2

9:09 PM

Fragile Handle with Care Part 1

Hesitation poured over my broken heart as I was moved into an unfamiliar place.  This place was different than the places my heart had inhabitant in times past.  This place was warm, inviting, secure, peaceful, pleasant, and altogether lovely.  My heart had not felt peace of this magnitude since before the night death took root in my heart at the tender age of three.  (Read more here about the dreaded night death knocked on my door)

If I allow myself to feel the deep pain of remembering the past, I can recall her soft voice.  I haven’t heard this voice since before the night death treaded through my home and left me filled with devastation, fear, and anger. Attempting to destroy my fragile heart I was left alone in darkness.  This place of darkness is where I hid for many years holding tightly to what I thought would protect and keep me from feeling pain and loss.  

Quietly and gently He began to speak to me.  His voice was like a light that dimly lit my darkened heart.  I was ready; I longed to listen for hours.  I hadn’t heard a voice with such care and tenderness since before the dreaded night death came to dwell in my heart and home. His voice was safe, His place was safe, this move was safe, I was, and I am safe. 

His voice began to sing over me and quieted me with the hushed tones of love.  As he removed every piece of my heart and tended to the sharp, ridged edges, His touch began to bring life to my dead spirit. The bubble wrap of un-forgiveness had suffocated my heart, leaving me lifeless. 

I began to feel the pains of brokenness yet again; this brokenness was not like that of before.  The brokenness I felt this time around was one of healing. 
How can this be?

Brokenness that births forgiveness, 
births healing and new life.

My heart crushed under the pressure of His hand, now a fine dust; dust and dirt that HE would use to recreate in me a clean heart. A broken and contrite heart He would not deny.  Was this brokenness actually for something good, to serve a greater purpose?  This brokenness I was horridly ashamed of, these were the pieces he crushed and used in order to recreate a beautiful vessel.    

This heart would come to find brokenness forged along side with forgiveness is beautiful, absolutely breathtaking, jaw dropping kind of exquisite beauty.  The kind of beauty one can only find in the early morning sunrises painted across the sky by the Magnificent Artist Himself.

This heart would not be denied, left for death, NO this heart would be accepted and experience life in the light of His glory and love.

Forgiveness, found me.  Moved me into a place, presence mere words can’t describe.  In His presence there is fullness of joy, love everlasting, healing for even the most deeply hurt individual. 

Forgiveness moved me into the Potter’s house.  The Potter’s House is where I now abide.  I only move when He moves me from the shelf to use me for His purposes.  I continue even to this day to experience brokenness, but this brokenness is one that He uses to make me into HIS earthen vessel.  A vessel, He can work, and move through.  A vessel who strives to be quick to forgive, for that is what He filled me with. 

Now filled with Forgiveness, I mustn’t hold tightly onto it as before with un-forgiveness, I must relinquish this love, forgiveness, I have been given.  I am His and He is mine.  Eager to give, what I longed for so many years to have, forgiveness freed me, healed me, and now I desire for others to experience this same kind of freedom.  This soul anchoring HOPE that only comes from HIM.

Would you allow yourself to trust, love, forgive; move out of depression, resentment, anger, anxiety and into the presence of the Almighty?  It’s moving day for you and there is a place just for you at the Potter’s House.   

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  1. Beautiful post! God calls us to be light in the world too. "Let your light shine before others that they may see your good works and glorify your Father in heaven."

    1. Thank you. How are some of the ways that you shine your light? I try to shine in simple ways, number one with my heart and attitude. I read something the other day that said, "Be the reason someone smiles today." I am finding there are more and more broken people out there than I realized hiding behind facades, just like me. I want to be the one who brings them hope, even if it is with a kind word or a smile. :)

    2. Laura, I try to shine my light by being kind, showing compassion, etc through the little things too like showing a smile. You are right. I too think there are so many broken people out in the world who are hiding behind facades. I love what you said about being the one who brings them hope. I hope I can be that person too.

    3. I know you can, it is important to know you have the ability to change someone's life. Tara, He has gifted you for His purposes. :)

  2. This is absolutely beautiful! You are such an amazing woman, and you encourage and inspire me. Thank you for sharing this today, andfor being so real with us.

    Anastasia Rose

    1. Thank you. I was afraid for so long of sharing, I am so thankful He gave me the courage to start writing. How long have you been writing?

  3. Forgiveness really does help us learn to move forward and heal. Holding on to anger and bitterness is just a stumbling block we think helps us, but really doesn't.

    1. Yes, and they just feed off of each other. But His grace and glory are so amazing. His sweet voice draws me in and I just can't help but to let it go so I can hold tightly to HIs hand.

  4. What a tender post. I've been struggling this week about feeling SO downtrodden (a lot of it is due to recent illness), and needed the reminder to lay it before the Almighty God.

    1. I am so sorry to hear about your illness I will definitely be praying for you! I am so glad this encouraged you today and reminded you to cast your cares on Him for He cares for you!

  5. Wow. Just beautiful. Sometimes we forget that a potter has to do a lot of work with a lump of clay in order to turn it into something beautiful! But we can take heart because we know he has a master plan that will shape us into the exact vessel that we need to be.

    1. Yes, He reminds me quite often to remain confident in His plan for I am his handiwork, created for HIs purposes not my own.


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