
What's in the Name?

12:55 PM

What’s in the Name?

Effective prayer, I believe, first begins with proper recognition and understanding of exactly who God is.  When we allow the Holy Spirit to bring us revelation of who God is we will approach Him with respect and honor.  Honor and respect is not only to be reflected in the words of our mouths but in the secret places of our hearts, and in the way we conduct our lives.  Everything Jesus did and said brought honor to His Father.  He, the King of Kings, even understood the importance of humbling himself and addressing His Father with reverence and honor; He conducted his life in such a way that brought glory to Him.

Then name of the Lord is to be held as Hallowed. (Holy, Consecrated, Sacred, Revered.)  When Jesus came and represented the Father he lived holy, consecrated, sacred, and revered His Father.  Jesus begins with “Our Father” it is important to recognize that He is our Father.  By Him, through Him, and for Him all things were made and have their being.  He speaks and creation itself obeys His voice.  (Colossians 1:16; Acts 17:28; Nahum 1:5)

Luke 11:1 -4
Vs2 – FATHER, hallowed be your name.

Why does Jesus teach us to start with, "Our Father, hallowed
(Holy, consecrated, sacred, revered)...........

Psalm 148:5,13
At His command they were created, His name alone is exalted, His splendor is above the earth and heavens. He raised up a horn, (Jesus the Horn of Salvation Luke 1:69)

Psalm 100:3-5
Know that the LORD Himself is God; It is He who has made us, and not we ourselves; We are His people and the sheep of His pasture.

Psalm 99:3
Let them praise your great and awesome name-- he is holy.

We are to fear the Lord and honor Him because He is Holy.  Scripture after Scripture points back to the Authority of God and His dominion, great power, and mighty strength.  Humbling ourselves before Him and establishing His Lordship is the first key to effective pray.  We are nothing without Him and capable of nothing without Him.  We are completely and utterly dependent upon HIM.

HE IS…………

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El Shaddai- Lord God Almighty
El Elyon- The Most High God
Adonai- Lord, Master
Yahweh- Lord, Jehovah
Jehovah Nissi- The Lord My Banner
Jehovah-Raah- The Lord My Shepherd
Jehovah Rapha- The Lord That Heals
Jehovah Shammah- The Lord Is There
Jehovah Tsidkenu- The Lord Our Righteousness
Jehovah Mekoddishkem- The Lord Who Sanctifies You
El Olam- The Everlasting God
Elohim- God
Qanna- Jealous
Jehovah Jireh- The Lord Will Provide
Jehovah Shalom- The Lord Is Peace
Jehovah Sabaoth- The Lord of Hosts

Humility and Honor are the first keys to effective prayer.

Let us always remember to come into His presence with the right heart and attitude.  Hallowed be His NAME and HIS name ALONE! He is our Father and we are His children, therefore let us live Holy, as He is HOLY.  Honoring HIM with our hearts.  Search me, Oh Lord, and see if there be any wicked way.  Correct me Holy Spirit, examine me and cleanse me, may I bring honor to YOUR name in everything I do and say.

For More Post On Effective Prayers Please See Below
Journey through Luke 11

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  1. What an awesome reminder! I just offered Acts 17:28 as one of my favorite verses to a newlywed couple at their wedding last night. They asked all of the guests to highlight their favorite verse in a bible in lieu of a guestbook. I chose that verse because it is a humbling reminder that all that we are is because of Him!

    1. What a great idea about the Bible instead of a guestbook! I love that idea, it would have been very difficult for me to narrow down one verse ha ha!

  2. I love this post! What a wonderful reminder of exactly who God is! I love the list of His names!

    1. Thank You, yes He tends to remind me quite often of who He is and who I am ;) !

  3. His Name holds power. At his name every knee will bow and every tongue confess that He is Lord. Thanks be to God for his name! And thank you for your words, today!

    1. You are welcome, thanks for stopping by. Yes every kneee!

  4. Amen! And even though his name is to always be honored, we can call him 'Abba'--Daddy. I love that he calls us his children.

    1. Oh yes, I have so much more to share throughout this month on this topic, and I know HIM best as ABBA! My earthly father is in prison, I don't know him but my Heavenly Father wow do I know HIM! :)

  5. This post reminds me that saying "oh gosh" or "jeez" really is no different than using the Lord's name in vain. I need to work on that!

    1. I know, my oldest who is three said "Oh my Gosh" and he heard it off Mickey Mouse so we are currently trying to teach him to say "stink", trying to teach him what honor is and why we can't say that.

  6. Too often my vision of who He is can be so very small and narrow. Thank you for the reminder of how big and wonderful He really is. We're blessed to have you link with us at Unforced Rhythms.

    1. Thank you, I am new to this world and I am thrilled to link up and meet new people with the same heart and passions!


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