Five Minute Friday - Relief

12:13 PM


“Continue to work out your Salvation with fear and trembling
for it is God who works in you to will and to act
in order to fulfill His good purpose.”
Philippians 2:12-13

Over the last few days, my dear friend Holy Spirit has been gently pricking my heart and spirit with questions.  Questions by nature reveal, truths, hidden secrets, and answers.  Without questions there are no answers.  I admit the last week has been one of renewing my heart and spirit.  I resisted a few of the questions and hesitated to answer some of them.  I contemplated, pondered, meditated, and prayed and in return asked Him questions of my own. 

Forgiveness.  What does that look like lived out in the flesh of mine.  I can say I forgive but beyond the surface, in the depths of my heart do I forgive to the point of action?  Do I or should I take action to restore broken and severed relationships?

I have put the hard truth in, praying for the hard parts of my life to be changed.  Like a hard southern field baked in the heat of the sun, hard as clay, this is what I feel some places of my heart are.  These hard parts, deep parts, are in desperate need for Holy Spirit to come and till the rocky, hard, stony places.  I need Him to come and break up the hard with the hard truth of His Word. 

He in all his goodness came.  He always does.  He always meets me and makes time for me.  I love that about Him.  He brought refreshing rain to soften the areas he has been tirelessly tilling.  He watered the soil of my heart with His tenderness and love.  He came and He tended to the weeds.  Weeds grow exponentially fast, too fast for me to control at times.  Weeds choke out the seeds of His word.  I recently felt the choking of weeds in my life and I asked him to pull those weeds and tend to my heart.  I want this tilling, pulling, tending of, so that I may bear fruit.  Good, sweet, delicious fruit. 

I strive and I strain relentlessly working but He is the Gardner.  Can you imagine how RELIEVED I was when He reminded me, You are a branch grafted in and it is I who keeps you. What a RELIEF.  His Word in my heart this is what bears fruit.  He will remove the pest eating away at the seeds, and the blooming buds.  These pests of unforgiveness, anger, resentment, worry, fear, and doubt.  I know He will be faithful to tend to me, so I reflect the beauty of His hand and His workings.

What about you do you put the hard truth in so that the hard places in your life can be soften and changed into soil that bears much fruit?

Are you relieved that He is the Gardner and He will tend to the weeds?

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