I can dance, Do you love me NOW? Part 1
8:04 PM
“Do you love me, do you love me now that I can dance?” Want to know the TRUTH? I CANNOT dance. Want to know another TRUTH? While the love of this world is largely based
on conditions, abilities, what you can do for me, and performance HIS love is
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Performance driven love is soul draining and
frustrating. This type of love pressures
us to do more, and be more. Work,
strive, NEVER let them see you are weak and flawed. If you do ALL this and somehow become perfect
THEN you will be loved.
There is no joy in a love driven by performance and
perfectionism. I am a people pleaser by
nature. I began loosing the joy of loving Christ and serving Him a few years
back. To say I was frustrated with life
was an understatement. In my quiet time
one morning I clearly heard His spirit speak to me, “You can continue living by
the frustrations (unfulfilled expectations) of the flesh, or the fruit of the
Spirit.” As you can imagine, this was
not all what I was longing to hear.
I realized, when life did not take shape the way I had
pictured, I would become frustrated.
This conditional love could be traced back to my teen years. When I received the FREE GIFT of Salvation, I
was ecstatic. Now I had a Savior, a hero
and HE would SAVE me from all this heartache and pain I ‘d been facing alone
for so many years. I would love and
serve Him on ONE CONDITION He would save me and make my life picture perfect.
Life like a fragile piece of china shattered into a thousand
tiny pieces. As if I had not already
suffered enough loss, the enemy of my soul, your soul, was lurking in the
shadows strategically planning his next plan of action. Unaware of his schemes at the time I stumbled
into his well-hidden trap of anger and resentment. He tried once before to burry me in the pit
of death. Unsuccessful, he patiently
waited for his next opportunity.
Having recently accepted Christ as my Savior and tirelessly
performing to earn and keep His love, the enemy encroached upon me at my
weakest, struck me with death and loss AGAIN.
Not once, not twice, not three times but with FOUR major losses in a
My youth pastors announced they were moving, our choir
directors were in a car accident on Christmas Eve and died, my brother ran away
leaving a note blaming me, and one of the students in our youth was also killed
in a car accident on his way to school.
After I had served, read my Bible, been obedient, paid my pitiful
tithes from my measly afterschool job, joined the drama team, studied,
respected my teachers, followed the rules, this Jesus, this Savior allowed all
of this to happen to me.
He was suppose to SAVE me, keep me give me abundant
life. He failed me. Cleverly deceiving me the enemy capitalized on
my losses. He cunningly lured me into
anger, bitterness, and resentment.
I would spend the next year of my high school career with my
back turned against my Savior. While He
has NEVER been guilty of forsaking me and leaving me, I have been found guilty of
running aimlessly away from Him. I found
myself stumbling through a fog of frustration and confusion trying to make my
own way in this world.